Mets fan has epic meltdown after public transit complicates Opening Day commute

Opening Day is one of the best days of the year for big baseball fans. It brings the return of meaningful baseball, the promise and hope of a new season and an excuse to play hooky for the day to watch the hometown team. It's basically a holiday for baseball faithful.
With that in mind, having a wrench thrown in your plans to attend Opening Day would be quite devastating. It would be even more devastating if it was avoidable.
That brings us to this very, very upset Mets fan, who had his Opening Day commute screwed up by some public transit issues on Monday afternoon.
The internet is undoubtedly going to pile on this guy for his animated, over-the-top reaction to potentially missing the Mets' opener against the Braves. And, in fairness, the meltdown is pretty riveting. Between how animated he is, his hat falling off his head and his voice cracking...this is a masterpiece of losing one's cool. (I especially loved him dropping the “I’m not gonna get to my game now!” line like he’s the Mets starting shortstop.)
But I, for one, am firmly in this man's corner. I cannot say with confidence that I would have handled the situation any better, aside from maybe not stepping in front of a camera.
Here's where I sympathize: This guy clearly takes his Mets fandom very seriously, he was obviously excited for Opening Day, and he probably paid good money to get tickets to the game.
So, for something as annoying as a public transit hangup to potentially ruin that entire experience he's been looking forward to...that's incredibly frustrating.
Hopefully this guy found an alternative method of transportation and got to see at least some of the Mets' big 6-0 win over Atlanta, if only for the fear of what he might do upon knowing he missed a shutout victory to start the season.