Indians mascot Slider bares all after Body Issue snub

Earlier this week, ESPN The Magazine issued its annual Body Issue, in which 22 athletes were featured showing off their physique in nude poses.
Apparently, the Cleveland Indians think they forgot one -- their mascot, Slider.
The large pink and furry thing (we aren't sure what species he is) held a 'body issue' photo shoot of his own, posing with a baseball bat in nothing more than his birthday suit and sneakers.
The Indians tweeted the photos at the ESPN Magazine account Wednesday morning:
Hey @ESPNMag -- @kevinlove looked great, but did you lose the pics @SlidertheMascot sent you?
— Cleveland Indians (@Indians) July 8, 2015
The team also shared the photos with the Sports Illustrated Twitter account asking for consideration in the next swimsuit edition, despite the fact that the Indians seem to have fallen victim to the dreaded SI cover curse.
Hey @SINow -- want to get back in our good graces? Include Slider in Swimsuit 2016. Look at that body!
— Cleveland Indians (@Indians) July 8, 2015
Yep -- @SliderTheMascot did his own "Body" issue shoot, since ESPN lost our number. PHOTOS >>
— Cleveland Indians (@Indians) July 8, 2015
You can see the full gallery of Slider's 'hot bod' at in the Tribe Vibe blog.