Aaron Hernandez responds to woman's letter with flirty reply

By Jason Rowan
Aaron Hernandez is locked up in prison after being found guilty of the murder of Odin Lloyd in the first degree, which means he has plenty of time to reply to letters from fans. The former NFL star apparently has been inundated with fan mail and it appears he was very interested in responding to a letter from a woman who hinted that she may be interested in visiting Hernandez behind bars.
In a letter obtained by TMZ, Hernandez notes that he is “doing well,” and even gets flirty in the reply correspondence. But first he expresses his regrets for taking so much time to respond.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t respond sooner but I do receive numerous letters daily!” Hernandez notes in a handwritten letter. “You reaching out is very nice of you and put a smile on my face. I needed to respond to thank you for your support.”
Hernandez adds that despite the presumably dire conditions and spirit-breaking aspects of prison life, he retains a positive outlook.
“I am doing well and will always, we have so much to be thankful for in life, even when we naturally focus on the negatives,” he wrote. “But there are many ways we are all blessed and should all wake up with smiles, daily!”
He signs the relatively well-written correspondence with “God bless.”
Hernandez then makes note in his P.S. that the woman made mention of paying him a visit, to which he replies: “You should have asked, I would have accepted, but don’t regret it, everything happens for a reason lol”
For someone facing a life in prison without parole, not to mention facing another murder charge, Hernandez certainly seems to have a positive outlook on things paired with a pretty sunny disposition. Very strange.
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