Day-to-Day: How Star Wars is like the NBA

We discuss Rogue One, compare the Warriors vs. Cavs rivalry to the Star Wars movies, and talk about the loss of Carrie Fisher in the latest episode of The Step Back Day-to-Day NBA Podcast, hosted by Jason Mann.
Chris Manning of the Locked on Cavs podcast joins to discuss what we thought of the newest Star Wars movie, how Rogue One was similar and different to other films in the series, what we thought of the characterizations and performances, how Rogue One demonstrated the costs of war and emotional weight of violence, the benefits of seeing the trailer or going in cold, what we liked and disliked about seeing other familiar past characters, and where we’d each rank Rogue One among the entire series.
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We also discuss how the 2015 and 2016 Finals are similar to Rogue One and A New Hope, how LeBron James and Steph Curry each compare to Darth Vader, how the Warriors signing Kevin Durant is like building a new Death Star, and we decide which Star Wars characters are the most comparable to various Warriors and Cavs players.
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