Could Giannis Antetokounmpo play center this season?

With the Golden State Warriors winning an NBA championship with smallball, the Milwaukee Bucks may adopt a similar style in certain situations.
Although no one would consider 6-foot-11 wing Giannis Antetokounmpo small, it would be very different to see him play the 5 for the Bucks.
According to GM John Hammond, though, it might be a possibility moving forward:
Here's what Hammond said on The Baseline podcast, transcribed via Frank Madden at Brew Hoop:
"I love the fact that with our roster, I think moving forward, I love the thought of small-ball for us, potentially if there's ever a matchup situation where you say "they're going to go small, how do we match up with that," whoever that team may be, I think you play Giannis Antetokounmpo at center. And he's 6'11", so it's not really small-ball per se, but his ball skills and know-how of how to play will give us the ability to do that and I think that could be a really fun team to watch someday if you do look at small-ball theory."
(h/t Brew Hoop)