Bucks guard Sterling Brown expected to sue police for arrest
MILWAUKEE (AP) The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission is calling for an extensive review of the stun gun arrest of Milwaukee Bucks guard Sterling Brown.
The commission wrote to Chief Alfonso Morales asking for a ''full audit'' and all body camera video of the arrest. Commissioners want the findings to be turned over to them and the Common Council.
The letter to Morales, read at a commission meeting Thursday night, follows calls by several City Council members for an investigation into the Brown's arrest and the subsequent release of police video.
A police officer confronted Brown about 2 a.m. Jan. 26 after he had parked across two handicap parking spaces outside a Walgreens drug store on the city's south side. The officer called for backup as the conversation with Brown became tense, and a half dozen squad cars responded.
Police video of the arrest shows officers swarming Brown and taking him down when he didn't immediately take his hands out of his pockets as ordered.
Within seconds, one officer yelled ''Taser! Taser! Taser!'' and Brown was on the ground groaning in pain, the video shows.
Three officers involved in the arrest were disciplined, with suspensions ranging from two to 15 days. Eight others will undergo remedial training in professional communications.
Police Chief Alfonso Morales personally apologized to Brown recently when he went to the Bucks' practice facility to show him the video.