What a play! Fan grabs foul ball in cup, chugs the beer
NEW YORK (AP) - Gabby DiMarco toasted herself - after she caught a foul ball in her beer cup.
During the top of the fifth inning of the game between the Atlanta Braves and San Diego Padres on Tuesday night, Atlanta's Ender Inciarte hit a high-flying foul ball into the second deck behind home plate at Petco Park. Somehow, someway, the ball fell right into DiMarco's full cup of beer - with little splash. To complete the play, DiMarco stood up and chugged the entire drink . Applause erupted around her, and the video soon went crazy online.
''It bounced from behind me. I was trying to catch it all, and it landed in my cup,'' DiMarco told MLB.com.
DiMarco's grab and gulp was not the first impressive play of its kind by a fan. Here are several catches that compete:
Astros-Mariners, 2013
A male fan reached his beer cup above a group of guys trying to catch a foul ball and with the extra advantage it plopped right in . He then tipped back whatever was left of the drink, prompting his surrounding friends to cheer and fist pump. Granted, it looked like more beer was spilled than actually drank.
Padres-Cubs, 2015
A female fan didn't even stand up to catch a foul ball that came her way. It conveniently landed within reach and in her cup. Only then did she rise, hoisting the overflowing beverage above her head, to down what appeared to be a full beer.
Giants-Pirates, 2018
A male fan went out of his way to catch a foul ball in the aisle with his beer . He certainly celebrated afterward with high-fives all around, but there's no footage of him he finishing what remained. Didn't seem like there was much left anyway.
A's-Tigers, 2014
A beer vendor used his bucket to catch a foul ball that was heading right for him. Ice flew everywhere, but no beer was spilled. He took the ball out and handed it to a young fan, making sure an adult didn't steal it.
And for those non-drinkers out there:
Yankees-Twins, 2018
A boy put the glove he brought to use and leaned over the left-field wall to catch a foul ball. The moment the ball hit his pocket, popcorn went flying . He was apparently eating out of his glove but sacrificed the food for the ball.
Pirates-Cardinals, 2014
A male fan lifted up his popcorn bucket to catch a foul ball . Much of the food burst out of the bucket, but he didn't seem to mind. After he took the ball out, he chucked the leftover popcorn at his friends.
Phillies-Mets, 2015
A father snagged a foul ball barehanded. Good thing, too, considering he had an occupied baby carrier on his chest . The baby, totally unfazed, didn't even spit out the pacifier.
Phillies-Giants, 2015
A boy snatched a ball that was flying toward his father with surprisingly quick reflexes. The dad was looking the other way , and had his son not reached out, he would have gotten hit in the face. Crisis averted.