Watch Rougned Odor catch a line drive ricocheted off Colby Lewis' head
Talk about getting your head in the game.
Texas starting pitcher Colby Lewis made good (albeit inadvertent) use of his noggin when Carlos Correa hit a line drive straight toward him in the seventh inning of the Rangers-Astros game in Houston on Friday night.
Lewis turned to avoid the hit, only to have the ball ricochet off the back of his head and fly into the air ...
... and was promptly caught by second baseman Rougned Odor to make the first out.
Odor made the out.
Personnel came to check on the 36-year-old pitcher after the line drive. But Lewis, who apparently has a steel skull, said he felt fine after the hit.
"When he got the out I was more pumped up at that situation," Lewis said via the Associated Press. "You shake that stuff off and go back to work."
Lewis stayed on the mound until the end of the seventh inning in the Rangers' 2-1 victory over the Astros.
"Colby is a tough guy," manager Jeff Banister said after the game. "But we don't expect him to be so tough that he takes one off his nugget and continues to pitch."