Flashback: Hall of Famer Murray joins the 500-homer club

Eddie Murray was a man of few words during his career, but he certainly let his bat do the talking.
On Sept. 6, 1996, Murray became the 15th member of the 500-homer club. By doing so, the switch-hitter joined Hank Aaron and Willie Mays as the only players to have 500 homers and 3,000 hits.
The historic solo blast came off the Detroit Tigers' Felipe Lira in the seventh inning and tied the score 3-3. Murray had just been traded that July back to the Baltimore Orioles, with whom he played the first 12 years of his career.
Murray would play through the 1997 season, finishing his career with 504 homers, 1,917 RBI and a .287 batting average.
The 1977 AL Rookie of the Year, who finished in the top five in the AL MVP voting six times, was elected to the Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility in 2003.