Cincinnati Reds Own Tenth Best Farm System in the MLB

Cincinnati Reds Farm System is Ranked Tenth According to Bleacher Report
(Check out how the Cincinnati Reds got there and the complete rankings here.)
The Cincinnati Reds have been rebuilding for at least two years now. Their last two seasons have really been rather pitiful to watch at times. But, when you really take the time to compare other rebuildings of teams, the Reds aren’t on a bad pace. Hope is on the horizon for the young team.
The Padres have been one of MLB’s laughing stock teams for the past five to six years, having below .500 records for 8 out of the last 9 season. Despite those awful seasons Padres’ fans have been through, they’re still in for more while the Reds rank above them in best farm teams. The Padres aren’t a good team to compare anything to, but looking at their rebuilding process should make fans feel more confident about the Reds.
What Other Top-ten Team is Set to Win a World Series First
Teams essentially in the bottom half of the league littered the top 10. When going through the list, one team does standout. The Los Angeles Dodgers have a hold on the 5th ranked farm team in the MLB, making them the obvious favorite to win the next World Series out of this list. The Dodgers had a strong showing last season and gave the Cubs a run for their money in the NLCS. Don’t expect the Dodgers to go away anytime soon.
When Are the Reds Going to Bring a Championship Back to Cincinnati?
The Redlegs are in the midst of a 26 year World Series drought. That seems like forever, but it only ranks 14th among active droughts in the MLB. Before my time, the Reds dominated the postseason. But since 1990 the Cincinnati Reds have made the postseason only four times, and the opposition swept them in two of those four series. When will the old glory days come back? Well, it won’t be soon. Nobody expects a Big Red Machine type of dynasty out of the Reds in any of the coming years, but most expect a little postseason success.
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With the Cubs and, the perennial contenders, the Cardinals in their division it might take awhile. The Cubs’ success is hard to gauge. They are young, but their players will soon be demanding huge contracts that they might not be able to give. The Cardinals just aren’t the same Cardinals they used to be. Give the Reds until 2020 at the very soonest. They very well could be the top dog of the NL Central, and maybe even the NL as a whole.
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