Chicago Cubs: Even Len Kasper, Jim Deshaies deserved new contracts

Since last season, the Chicago Cubs have been handing out contract extensions to individuals outside the active roster. From Theo Epstein to Jed Hoyer, it’s all about keeping this group intact.
Being one of the many voices of the Chicago Cubs isn’t an easy task. With legendary play-by-play men making their way through the North Side of Chicago, of course, it’s going to be like someone filling in for Michael Jordan at shooting guard.
Or when Dwight Howard was unsure on if he wanted to join the Los Angeles Lakers because of what Shaq accomplished. Either way, it doesn’t matter the sport or position, there is going to be some serious shoes to fill.
And when you’re a fan watching at home or listening on the radio, you can’t help but think of some of the greats when it comes to play-by-play.
Names such as Jack Brickhouse, Harry Caray, Ron Santo, Pat Hughes, Chip Caray, Milo Hamilton, and even President Ronald Reagan. Yes, Reagan used to be a radio announcer for Cubs games in Des Moines, Iowa.
While Hughes is still on active duty with the Cubs, he has already gone down as one of the greats to ever call a Chicago Cubs baseball game. Putting him in good company alongside Santo, Brickhouse, and Harry.
The fact that he has been with the Cubs since 1996 and going through the struggle along with us fans was special when he got to call the final out of Game 7 in Cleveland. Finally, he was able to say that the Chicago Cubs were World Series champions.
Now, onto our current television play-by-play duo, Len Kasper, and Jim Deshaies. Len joined the Cubs in 2005 after doing some work with the Brewers, Packers, and Marlins. He also received the Harry Caray Sportscaster of the Year award in 2011.
Just two years after receiving the award, Chicago hired former southpaw, Jim Deshaies to join him in the broadcast booth. Deshaies spent 11 years as a big league player as he made his final appearance as a member of the Philadelphia Phillies in 1995.
According to the Chicago Tribune, both Len Kasper and Jim Deshaies have been signed through the 2019 campaign. A much deserved deal that will keep these guys with the organization for a few more years.
Both Len and JD have done a fantastic job since joining the organization. Not only are they entertaining during the game, they interact with fans both around the stadium and on social media.
Answering tweets and other questions that fans send in, making them feel like they are part of the broadcast as well. I’ve had a few replies from Kasper over the past couple of seasons which was pretty cool.
These two men definitely deserve their new extensions. And, hopefully, they’ll receive another deal or at least want to stay in the future as this club is destined to win multiple World Series titles.
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