Bartolo Colon may want a two-year deal from the Mets

…..And I and probably every Mets fan everywhere would want them to give it to him.
MetsBlog came out with an article today called Mets like Colon, Colon likes the Mets, so naturally it caught my attention. The only way it could’ve caught my attention more was if it included “Michelle likes Colon” too.
In this article, Matthew Cerrone states that he’s heard from his sources that Bartolo Colon is looking for a two-year deal. Interesting, as a few months back Colon foreshadowed that next season may be his last season.
I’m still in denial over this, obviously, so part of me is excited at the thought of Colon looking for a two-year-deal — but at the same time, the Mets most likely will be looking to offer him just a one-year-deal, like they did last year.
In August, Colon did say that he wants to reach 243 career wins. He’s currently at 233, which means (knock on wood, no injury) that he most likely will reach 243 wins next season — as in the past three years with the Mets he’s had 15 wins, 14 wins, and 15 wins respectively.
Speaking of the injury word, in a season filled with the Mets’ starters getting injured, Colon was the constant. He was the guy they could count on to get out there when they needed him. He was an asset on the field, off the field, and all things in between.
One of our writers already wrote about how the Mets should make bringing back Bartolo Colon a priority, and I agree. Colon has already made it known that he would like to return. Sandy Alderson already stated that “he could be” back next season. Terry Collins sang Colon’s praises multiple times this past season.
Do I understand not wanting to give Colon a two-year-deal? Of course I do. Colon is about to be 44 years old. But after this past season and how Colon rose to the occasion every time (hey, remember when he was supposed to be in the bullpen?!), the Mets should definitely work out a deal with him.
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