Sage the Miniature Poodle wins Best in Show at 2024 Westminster Dog Show
A thrilling time at the 2024 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show wrapped up with Tuesday's Best in Show, and the winner was a small canine with big personality.
Sage the Miniature Poodle, winner of the Non-Sporting Group, took home the grand prize at the 148th edition of the event.
The show is the second-longest continuously held sporting event in the United States and has been on TV each year since 1948. It brings together thousands of distinguished dogs to compete in a number of judged events, the iconic dog show, and other competitions including agility, obedience and, new this year, a dock diving trial.
Click here for everything to know about the event.
Here are the winners of every breed and group from the 2024 event.
Group Winners
Check out the list of group winners by group — registered name in parentheses.
Hound Group
Winner: Louis the Afghan Hound (Sunlit's King of Queens)
Herding Group
Winner: Mercedes the German Shepherd (Kaleef's Mercedes)
Non-sporting Group
Winner: Sage the Miniature Poodle (Surrey Sage)
Toy Group
Winner: Comet the Shih Tzu (Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World)
Sporting Group
Winner: Micha the Cocker Spaniel (Rejoices To The Point)
Working Group
Winner: Monty The Giant Schnauzer (Hearthmore's Wintergreen Mountain)
Terrier Group
Winner: Frankie the Colored Bull Terrier (Grabo Frankie Goes to Magor)
Breed Results
Here's a list of the breed winners:
- Affenpinschers: Good Luck Chuck V. Tani Kazari
- Afghan Hounds: Sunlit's King Of Queens
- Airedale Terriers: Longvue Dare To Dream
- Akitas: Big Benz Beyond The Edge
- Alaskan Malamutes: Vykon's Saucin' I Do This Often-A'Mahya
- American English Coonhounds: Southeasterns Kentucky Mtn Hearts Desire
- American Eskimo Dogs: Nuuktok's Atka Kunik
- American Foxhounds: Kiarry's Gotta Have Faith
- American Hairless Terriers: Strider's Burning Down The House @Bellridge
- American Staffordshire Terriers: Fraja Ec Repeat Offender
- Anatolian Shepherd Dogs: Chevaliers Du Roland's Just So Stories
- Australian Cattle Dogs: Three Oaks The Big Chill
- Australian Shepherds: Madalay Flyin' Under The Radar
- Australian Terriers: Samabel Hot Fudge Sundae
- Azawakhs: Lex Ayur-Es-Sahel
- Barbets: Hickory Tavern Carnivale
- Basenjis: Dark Moon's Ozymandias
- Basset Hounds: Set-A-Part Atajo Of Lomarol Hounds
- Beagle, Not Exceeding 13 In.: Fetch & Smell Olive Oyl
- Beagle, Over 13 In. But Not Exceeding 15 in.: Lanbur's Simply Riveting
- Bearded Collies: Meadows' Turn The Paige
- Beaucerons: Solstice Du Joie De Vie
- Bedlington Terriers: Lamz A Brief History Of Time
- Belgian Laekenois: Safron D'Luxueux
- Belgian Malinois: Darkhorse Release The Kraken
- Belgian Sheepdogs: Mika Uptown Girl Liswyn
- Belgian Tervuren: Coko's You've Been Warned
- Bergamasco Sheepdogs: Ancient Eyes Vrai Amour Cc Chanel
- Berger Picards: Eclipse Ace In The Hole
- Bernese Mountain Dogs: Indian Hill's Bring Me To Life
- Bichons Frises: Top Speed Neal
- Biewer Terriers: Arc-En-Ciel Gattaca
- Black Russian Terriers: Felicia Gloria Yablunevi Tsvit
- Black and Tan Coonhounds: Squire: I Got My Mojo Working
- Bloodhounds: Flessner's Element Of Surprise
- Bluetick Coonhounds: Owens-Evenstar Wheel In The Sky
- Boerboels: Paragon Oso
- Border Collies: Mvr Diamonds In The Rough
- Border Terriers: Roschel Foxrun Thistle Do
- Borzois: Horse And Hound Full Of Hope
- Boston Terriers: Jingle's A Site For Soar Ayes At Onirama
- Bouviers des Flandres: Quiche's Shadow Hunter
- Boxers: Tybrushe's Livin Notoriety
- Bracchi Italiani: Rowan CM
- Briards: Popsakadoo Deja Vu Slave To Fashion
- Brittanys: Trio Hopes Legendary Lawman
- Brussels Griffons: Hilltop's Don't Fence Me In
- Bull Terriers (Colored): Grabo Frankie Goes To Magor
- Bull Terriers (White): Galactic Bittersweet Legacy At Irukandji
- Bulldogs: The King Arthur (Arango/Vanegas)
- Bullmastiffs: Blackjack Livin' The Dream
- Cairn Terriers: Caledonia's He Who Must Not Be Named
- Canaan Dogs: Revelation Adiva Aviva Of Samara
- Cane Corsos: Adibeir Red Carpet Affair
- Cardigan Welsh Corgis: Geran's Big Money Of Glasshouse
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: Sheeba Ladies Man
- Cesky Terriers: Bluefire Drive By
- Chihuahuas (Long Coat): Bramver's First Priority
- Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat): Knockout Pretty Little Liar
- Chinese Cresteds: Gracieux She's A Wildflower
- Chinese Shar-Pei: Gumby's Hey Now You'Re An Allstar Nwr
- Chinooks: Desert Sol Cole Illahee
- Chow Chows: Barbary's Reigning Royalty CGCA TKN
- Cirnechi dell'Etna: Stellare Firenza Di Cy'Era
- Collies (Rough): Sylvan Argent Fire On Fire
- Collies (Smooth): Overland Travler Full Of Sugarnspice
- Cotons de Tulear: Just Incredible Michael Kors Gorgeous
- Dachshunds (Longhaired): Harewood Royall T Son Of A Biscuit Sl
- Dachshunds (Smooth): Brownwood Diagram Co- Pilot Ss
- Dachshunds (Wirehaired): Nouvelle Bring It On Sw
- Dalmatians: Planett's Pop Star
- Dandie Dinmont Terriers: Von Maser's Madeleine Of The Heart
- Doberman Pinschers: Emilio De Tatindob-Argentina
- Dogo Argentinos: Alpha Del Caritas
- Dogues de Bordeaux: Boston Bordeaux's Montgomery Scott
- English Foxhounds: Monocacy Bend's Farnsworth
- English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles): Ringo Star Ot Nevskogo Hobbita
- English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby): Clussexx Paddington Of Flivverway
- Finnish Lapphunds: Lapinkaunis I Want It All
- Finnish Spitz: Badgerden's Big Bark Theory
- Fox Terriers (Smooth): Pinnacle Broxden Lickety Split
- Fox Terriers (Wire): Fleet St. Roque Down Easter
- French Bulldogs: Goldshield's Marvelous Dream Of Mystik
- German Pinschers: Daveren's Radagast Of Greenwood
- German Shepherd Dogs: Kaleef's Mercedes
- Giant Schnauzers: Heathmore's Wintergreen Mountain
- Glen of Imaal Terriers: Abberann One More Day By Glendalough
- Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens: Sidekick's Secret Weapon
- Great Danes: Oakhaven's Uss Dankekraaft Phasers Set To Stun
- Great Pyrenees: Rivergroves Wonder Dog At Pyrcreek
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs: Crown's Hrh Prince Of The Night
- Greyhounds: Sobers Hazelyn
- Harriers: Kingsbury Atomic Blizzard
- Havanese: Wynmark's Les Bijoux's Rock'N Rolz At Reverie
- Ibizan Hounds: Abbaio Bushbaby
- Icelandic Sheepdogs: Vali's Double Or Nothing
- Irish Terriers: Breezy's Sky Pilot
- Irish Wolfhounds: Edgewood Deyci Crown Jewel Keepsake
- Italian Greyhounds: Selah Chiaroscuro
- Japanese Chin: We-Syng Chrischin Lucky Liam
- Keeshonden: Windrift's Dirty Hairy
- Kerry Blue Terriers: Kilgawny Take My Man
- Komondorok: Hubbert's Zsaru
- Kuvaszok: Emek Hayarden Cudar
- Lagotti Romagnoli: Boardwalk Here Comes The Sun
- Lakeland Terriers: Northcote's Isn't That The Way
- Lancashire Heelers: Baystar This Is The Way At Knee High
- Leonbergers: Winky-Pinky Bory Cysterskie
- Lhasa Apsos: Ta Sen Westgate Jingle Juice
- Lowchen: Suma's Moonlight Broom Ride
- Maltese: Ta-Jon's Made From Scratch
- Manchester Terriers (Standard): Cashlane's Incantation
- Manchester Terriers (Toy): Chesterfields First Class Fool
- Mastiffs: Marshalsea The Son Also Rises
- Miniature American Shepherds: Alta Oceans Symphony Of The Seas
- Miniature Bull Terriers: Old Forge Love & Light At Legacy
- Miniature Pinschers: Kimro's Debonaire
- Miniature Schnauzers: Zrules Invictus
- Mudik: Twisted Acres Wish Upon A Star
- Neapolitan Mastiffs: Consigliere's Corleone Of Caledonia
- Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes: Jubelend Waterbound Orion's Belt
- Newfoundlands: Pouch Cove's Southwind Billow Maiden Of Aegir
- Norfolk Terriers: Owl Hollow's The Hammer And Pennant
- Norwegian Buhunds: Cloudpointe Ringside Gossip
- Norwegian Elkhounds: Vin-Melca's Nimrod
- Norwegian Lundehunds: Sakari's Mad-Eye Moody
- Norwich Terriers: Maystar's Shonleh Michan Ruddy Duck
- Old English Sheepdogs: Bagatelle Rainbow Moon
- Otterhounds: Dobhran's Alexa Play Some Music
- Papillons: Riesa N Passionpaps Locked And Loaded
- Parson Russell Terriers: Fox Valley Side Hustle
- Pekingese: Piedmont I Love Those Lady Lumps
- Pembroke Welsh Corgis: Beaumanor Brogan Charlotte
- Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens: M & M's Stellar Hot Mess Express
- Pharaoh Hounds: Jomara's A Kind Of Magic
- Plott Hounds: County Line Truman
- Pointers: Southern The Good In Goodbye
- Pointers (German Shorthaired): Hhh Autumn Sonnet
- Pointers (German Wirehaired): Rnr Impact N Heywire Walk On The Wilde Side
- Polish Lowland Sheepdogs: Sundancer's Forevermore Star Lord
- Pomeranians: Mustang Pony Of Paradise House
- Poodles (Miniature): Surrey Sage
- Poodles (Standard): Lakeridge Secret Persuasion
- Poodles (Toy): Parfait Paperbirch Prosciutto
- Portuguese Podengo Pequenos: Averson Rock N Roll
- Portuguese Water Dogs: Odysea It's Always Sonny At Surfari
- Pugs: Andi In Cahoots
- Pulik: Bubbleton Levitating Bubble
- Pumik: Csunyatelepi Hetyke
- Pyrenean Shepherds: Rpk3 La Brise Violet Celestial
- Rat Terriers: Meraki Intrigued By The Bees
- Redbone Coonhounds: Sidearm Easy Money 3
- Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay): Next Generation's Accelerate
- Retrievers (Curly-Coated): Pizzazz Kurly Kreek Raise A Ruckus
- Retrievers (Flat-Coated): Artic Sun Whispering Words At Moonlight
- Retrievers: (Golden): Cressida Noteworthy
- Retrievers (Labrador): Clearcreek Rock Paper Scissors At Gallivant
- Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling): Redmoon's Sexy Son Of A Duck
- Rhodesian Ridgebacks: Adili & IdaB's Reign On Zambezi
- Rottweilers: Marlo's Br Don Juan Demarco
- Russell Terriers: Totgree's Hannabell
- Russian Toys: Charkara Cowboys & Dreamers @ Flashfire
- Saint Bernards: Kris's Kountry Three Card Monte V Northstar
- Salukis: Phaeton Nightingale Of Allihan
- Samoyeds: Snowater's Shining Dawn
- Schipperkes: Delamer Summer Sand Elle
- Scottish Deerhounds: Chase Farm Diamonds On The Inside
- Scottish Terriers: Aidante Until I Wake Up
- Sealyham Terriers: Goodspice Efbe Money Stache
- Setters (English): Quantum Clos Erasmus Spirit World
- Setters (Gordon): Shaker Trees Santana
- Setters (Irish Red and White): Killary's Talk About High Class
- Setters (Irish): Roclyn Got It? Haunt It
- Shetland Sheepdogs: Lynphil Persona
- Shiba Inu: Jogoso's Justified FDC
- Shih Tzu: Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World
- Siberian Huskies: Highlander's Snow Pilot
- Silky Terriers: Shenanigans Carbon Copy
- Skye Terriers: Cragsmoor Skye Boy Is That Good
- Sloughis: Itri Ocerico
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers: Keepsake's Fashion Icon
- Spaniels (American Water): Kei-Rin's Gunsmoke
- Spaniels (Boykin): Drinking Until Dark Beekauz
- Spaniels (Clumber): Clussexx Sargeant Major
- Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B.: Craco E'Dubronic
- Spaniels (Cocker) Black: Rejoices To The Point
- Spaniels (Parti-Color): Eastwood's Georgia On My Mind
- Spaniels (English Cocker): Majestic Sweet Apple Friends In Low Places
- Spaniels (English Springer): Telltale Bohemian Rhapsody
- Spaniels (Field): Sandscape Icemint Vanity Affair
- Spaniels (Irish Water): Realta Sycomore Spry
- Spaniels (Sussex): Lexxfield Chiparoo
- Spaniels (Welsh Springer): Clussexx On Red Alert At Stonecroft
- Spanish Water Dogs: Dgs Copy This Heifers
- Spinoni Italiani: Collina D'Oro On A Lark JH
- Staffordshire Bull Terriers: Pinnacle's Keyser Soze
- Standard Schnauzers: Steadfast's Sweet Land Of Liberty
- Swedish Vallhunds: Valkyrie's Canadian Bacon
- Tibetan Mastiffs: Aujudon Dreamcatcher King Of Ring Rafael Nadal
- Tibetan Spaniels: Kan Sing's Mahadevi
- Tibetan Terriers: Players Alitara Magic In The Air
- Toy Fox Terriers: Valdon's Triple Bravo
- Treeing Walker Coonhounds: Losr Heritage Knight Of Eldorado
- Vizslas: Rhapsody By Invitation Only
- Weimaraners: Silhouette I Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Welsh Terriers: Studio Be Curious Jp Justice Hero
- West Highland White Terriers: Elvador Starlight Goblet Of Fire
- Whippets: Pinnacle Garden Party
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffons: Double Barrel's Turkey Creek Jack Johnson
- Wirehaired Vizslas: Dolgos-Nimrod Kaliber
- Xoloitzcuintli: Master Rock Calaco (Alonso Tojo)
- Yorkshire Terriers: Samourai Du Domaine De Monderlay