Tim Duncan confirms he is a machine with huge robotic back tattoo
If you made a bet back in the early aughts that Tim Duncan would one day reveal himself to be, in fact, a machine disguised as a human, your day is inching closer.
This much is thanks to a new tattoo that Duncan appears to be getting dangerously close to completing.
Elite Custom Tattoo, a tattoo parlor in Glendale, Arizona, posted images to Instagram of what appears to be a giant, machine-centric tattoo currently in the works on Duncan's back (h/t NBC 4 in San Antonio's Jeff Garcia).
Duncan's an understated but known ink enthusiast, so it's no surprise to see he's using some of his new downtime to have work done. What's surprising is the size and scope of the project.
That's a lot of ink, pistons and gears. And it's pretty sweet, honestly.
In a grander scope, this also could be the beginning of Duncan's inner T-1000 beginning to reveal itself to the world.
We know you're here from the future to wear baggy jeans and save the human race, Tim. You can just tell us.
Dan is on Twitter. Duncan is the only thing standing between us and enslavement to the Mecha Kardashians.