Sacramento Kings and Atlanta Hawks Twitter accounts poke fun at NBA

The Hawks and Kings are taking to this whole new social media rule rather well
The Sacramento Kings are taking on the Atlanta Hawks tonight. Usually when two opposing teams play each other there’s some friendly smack talk between fans, and maybe even from the teams themselves. The Kings and Hawks Twitter accounts, however, decided to go a different route when discussing this evening’s game.
They started being nice to each other. Why is this weird, you might ask? Well, it wasn’t normal polite behavior that one would expect from a normal conversation. They were going out of their way to be nice to each other.
INCREDIBLE shot, @ATLHawks!!! Happy birthday to Paul Milsap!!! ????
— Sacramento Kings (@SacramentoKings) February 11, 2017
Okay, well maybe that’s just the Kings congratulating Millsap on his birthday. That’s real swell of them.
@SacramentoKings Thanks! INCREDIBLE arena you guys have here. First time here…simply gorgeous.
— Atlanta Hawks (@ATLHawks) February 11, 2017
Well, the Kings do have a new arena and it’s reportedly very nice. I can see why the Hawks Twitter account holder would have something to say about it.
@ATLHawks You know, we really appreciate Philips Arena too. That organist – just wow. Great touch.
— Sacramento Kings (@SacramentoKings) February 11, 2017
You know what? I’m not even going to be sarcastic about this one. Sir Foster is the best organist in the NBA and everybody should watch Hawks home games because of it. For those confused as to why the two accounts are acting so strange to each other, it likely has to do with a rule the NBA sent down earlier today. Reportedly, team social media accounts were told to cut back a bit on the trash talk between accounts. They wanted teams to be respectful to each other in an online environment.
As a result? Tweets like this come up.
@SacramentoKings Yea, @Sir_Foster is ????, kind of like those baby blue throwbacks ????
— Atlanta Hawks (@ATLHawks) February 11, 2017
This is just weird. Sports is all about a friendly hatred against your opponent. After the game everybody gets along and it’s business as usual. It makes sense the NBA wants to avoid friendly banter getting out of hand and turning into something much uglier, but if this is the result of their new rulings then they need to repeal it as quickly as possible.
Keep trash talk in our NBA!
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