Jon Lester
Jon Lester
Watch two major leaguers absolutely abuse their bats in frustrated fits
Jun. 2, 2016 8:42 a.m. ET


Wednesday wasn't a great day to be a bat.
Let's begin in Chicago, where Los Angeles Dodgers second baseman Enrique Hernandez grounded weakly back to Cubs lefty Jon Lester. Obviously, it was the bat's fault because Hernandez berated it all the way the first base line.
“What are you DOING?” - @kikehndez, probably.
— MLB GIFS (@MLBGIFs) June 2, 2016
And it got even more violent in San Diego, where Padres left fielder Melvin Upton Jr. snapped his bat across his thigh after one of his three strikeouts against the Mariners. Again, the bat was clearly to blame.
.@MelvinUptonJr 1, Bat 0.
— MLB GIFS (@MLBGIFs) June 2, 2016
Just a guess, but bats probably preferred to be flipped.