Jake Arrieta
Jake Arrieta
Here's Jake Arrieta dressed as 'Jake from State Farm'
Nov. 15, 2016 2:53 p.m. ET

Brett Smiley

In a pretty obviously staged but nevertheless funny result, Chicago Cubs starter Jake Arrieta shared a photo of himself in his Halloween costume as "Jake from State Farm" -- the insurance company's popular commercial character. Take a look:
For reference, here's the actual Jake from State Farm, the poor late-night customer service representative who is not a fit professional athlete:
Someone else on Twitter had an idea for Arrieta that he may wish to consider if things work out for the Cubs:
Close @JakeStateFarm .... I am dressing up as YOU! #NotAllHerosWearCapes pic.twitter.com/ehBNS40BYg
— Jake Arrieta (@JArrieta34) September 19, 2016

@JArrieta34 @JakeStateFarm it would be cooler if you went as a World Series champion
— aliensexist (@realJustinStone) September 19, 2016

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