Qatar World Cup timing decision will not be made this year

Qatar World Cup timing decision will not be made this year

Published Mar. 17, 2014 7:39 a.m. ET

A decision on the timing of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will not be made before the start of 2015, it has been confirmed.

FIFA had said an announcement could be made later this year but Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, the head of the task force that is making the decision on the timing of the tournament, said it would be not be taken before next year.

Salman, from Bahrain, is president of the Asian Football Confederation and a FIFA executive committee member.


He told Press Association Sport: "There are a lot of partners that we need to sit and talk with and find the best solution and I am sure this decision will not be taken before the first quarter of 2015.

"The decision is to look at the possibilities of the timing, as we speak now it is still June/July but the aim of this task force is to look at the other options and the concerns that some will have."

Salman was speaking on a visit to London where he also signed a co-operation agreement with the Premier League, whose chief executive Richard Scudamore said lengthy talks were needed with all stakeholders about moving the time of the World Cup.

He said:"Our position is quite clear - Qatar were awarded it, Qatar should hold it.

"It was awarded in full knowledge of the conditions. The bid book contained how they were going to deal with those conditions and that is the current situation. Their entire campaign was about how you would cope with holding it in summer.

"If anything is going to change, all we have ever said is 'this is complicated and complex, all factors need looking at and weighed up, can we calm down and look at it properly?".

Meanwhile, Salman said the fact the World Cup was being held in Qatar had acted as a catalyst to improve the rights and conditions of migrant workers.

Investigations have revealed a shocking number of deaths among workers from Nepal and Salman said: "I think because of the World Cup, this issue is being addressed and looked at.

"I am sure that the government of Qatar is co-operating positively in that sense. The best thing the World Cup is doing now is trying to improve the working conditions in Qatar. If it wasn't for the World Cup I'm not sure we would have heard of this issue."
