Report: Brother of Kurt Angle charged with homicide in death of his wife

Report: Brother of Kurt Angle charged with homicide in death of his wife

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 2:40 p.m. ET

The brother of professional wrestler Kurt Angle has been jailed in the death of his wife, Donna Angle, in their home in Dormont, Pa., part of the Pittsburgh metro area, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.

David Angle, 62, is the brother of the Olympic champion who went on to a championship career in WWE and now TNA.

David Angle was awaiting arraignment according to the Post-Gazette:

In an interview with police, David Angle said he and wife were in the living room at about 3 a.m. Sunday when she offered him some vodka, county homicide Detective Scott Towne wrote in a criminal complaint. He told her he didn't want any, but she continued to "badger him about drinking with her," and it escalated into an argument, the complaint continued.


"He said all of their arguments revolved around alcohol and added that he has 'anger issues,' " the detective wrote.

After his wife tried to kick him, he "grabbed both of her arms, pulled her off the couch, put his foot on her chest and then pulled," the complaint said. He told police he couldn't recall how long he did that but said "it was not for minutes."

He told police she became unconscious and he tried unsuccessfully to revive her before calling 911.

Neighbors told the paper they were stunned by the events.

"Dave's a good person. Whatever happened, I'm going to pray for him. This isn't what Dave is," said Joe Setticase, 63, who attended Keystone Oaks High School with Mr. Angle and lives nearby. "Donna was a sweetheart."

In 2001, the Post-Gazette reported, David Angle filed a protection-from-abuse order against his wife, resulting in her being excluded from the home and custody of their two children granted to him, according to court records.

State criminal court records show that David Angle, who had worked as a heavy equipment operator, was ordered earlier this year to go through the county's accelerated rehabilitative disposition program in connection with a 2014 arrest for driving under the influence of a controlled substance, the paper added. He had paid all fines and costs in the case, according to the online docket, and was awaiting completion of the program.

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