Reds' Frazier hopes his hitting is enough to earn spot on NL All-Star squad

Reds' Frazier hopes his hitting is enough to earn spot on NL All-Star squad

Published Jun. 17, 2015 6:36 p.m. ET

CINCINNATI -- There is something Todd Frazier wants more than a daily dose of Jersey pizza -- and Frazier loves Jersey pizza.

He wants to be on the National League All-Star team, wants to represent the Cincinnati Reds on their home field.

As for making it via the fan vote, it isn't going to happen. No member of the Reds is going to be voted in.


Despite an outstanding season, Frazier is running third in the third base voting to Matt Carpenter of St Louis (3.1 million) and rookie Kris Bryant (1.5 million). Frazier has slightly more than a million votes.

Frazier leads the National League in extra base hits with 41 and leads the Reds with 20 home runs and 40 RBI.

With more injuries than the aftermath of a 2 a.m tenement fire and too many losses to soothe a queesy stomach, Reds manager Bryan Price can smile as he watched Todd Frazier attack a baseball like that Jersey pizza he likes so much.

"Well, it is an awfully lot of fun watching Todd Frazier," said Price. "We all know how fun it is to watch a guy doing something particularly well for a stretch of time. Watching Todd hit right now is an awful lot of fun."

And Frazier hopes his hitting catches the attention of the managers and coaches and players who will name the extra players for the All-Star team.

"We have some time before the game so that Cincinnati and the world can see that I am deserving," said Frazier. "You have to be confident in yourself. I do think I deserve to be there. I not only want to play in the All-Star game in Cincinnati and I'd even like to be in the Home Run Derby."

Frazier was runner-up last year in the Home Run Derby in Minneapolis, with his brother pitching to him, and he'd like to repeat the procedure.

Frazier, never one to shy from an opinion, believes a change needs to be made in the All-Star process -- and not just because he is running third. The Kansas City situation plays into it, too.

Told he would do better if he slapped a Royals hat on his head, Frazier laughed and said, "That's crazy, man. I'll never understand that."

And he didn't back way when asked if it bothered him that he had half as many votes as Carpenter while having a better season than the Cardinals third baseman, he said, "Yeah, it does. A little bit. If you want the truth, it's tough. You always want to start in whatever you do, especially in baseball. I'm not mad at anybody. That's just the way it is, that's just the way the voting is. Maybe I need to calls a few of my boys in Jersey and we can make a push."

But, he quickly added, "I think the voting needs to change." And what would he do? "I think who is going to start the game needs to be a players decision, coaches and players. Are the guys voted in by the fans deserving? Yes, they are and they deserve to play. But are the the right guys to start when the game means something (home field advantage in the World Series)? Are those the players the manager and coaches want to start? Probably not.

"There are other things you can do, like maybe have the managers and coaches and players vote the starting lineup," Frazier added. "Then have the fans vote in the rest of the team or have them vote for the last five players to make the team."

Frazier, though, wants with all his very large heart to be in that game. If he can's start, well he can say, "Put me in, coach, I'm ready to play."

"There are always some snubs and you never know who it is going to be, but hopefully I get an opportunity and that's all I can ask for," he said.
