Rangers release ticket information for 2012

Individual tickets for all 2012 Texas Rangers games except for Opening Day will go on sale March 3 at 9 a.m.
Tickets can be purchased at the west box office, at texasrangers.com or by calling (972) RANGERS.
A limited number of Opening Day tickets will be available through a lottery that begins Feb. 1. Fans can register on texarangers.com through Feb. 20 for the chance to purchase two tickets for Opening Day. Following the registration, random winners will have a chance to buy reserved seats, obstructed view seating, and standing room only tickets.
Ten-game plans will also go on sale Jan. 17. Those plans include a free ticket to Opening Day.
Individual tickets at the ballpark will remain the same price at 2011 or increase by less than $2 in nearly half of the seats. Game tickets for the new outfield plaza seating in centerfield are $27 for regular games and $30 for the 26 premier games.
Start times for the games not seen on national television will remain the same. Regular home games start at 7:05 p.m. with weekday day games beginning at 1:05 p.m. and Sunday day games at 2:05.