Report: Jaguars LB arrested after allegedly pushing a woman in the face

UPDATE: The attorney for Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Dan Skuta says his client was arrested in Orlando "for something that simply did not happen."
Skuta was arrested early June 19 on a battery charge for allegedly pushing a woman's face and causing her head to hit a glass window. According to Orlando Police, Skuta had alcohol on his breath and bloodshot eyes. He was later released on a $500 bond.
Attorney Mark NeJame says he is "confident this will be resolved favorably to Dan, and the truth will come out as to his innocence and non-involvement. Dan has an outstanding reputation and is hurt by the unfair association to any such allegation and is confident that the full truth will soon be determined."
According to the police report, the accuser says Skuta approached her on the street and "began talking to her and flirting with her." When Skuta asked for the woman's phone number, she said no and a verbal altercation ensued.
His attorney says the women's story was "entirely made up."
"We ask that there be no rush to judgment as Dan is innocent," NeJame said. "Erroneous conclusions should not be jumped to. Eye witnesses who we have already received statements from in our initial investigation will attest that Dan was alongside his girlfriend when this fabricated event supposedly took place and only verbally instructed two women who were harassing his friends to leave them alone.
"The witnesses confirm that upon only verbally instructing the nuisances to leave them alone, Dan was then struck in the face by one of the women, as is evidenced by his mugshot which clearly shows where he was struck. They completely contradict the version of the complainant leading to Dan's arrest."
Skuta has a July 20 court appearance scheduled, according to the Orange County Clerk's office, and has requested a jury trial.
The Jaguars say in a statement they have been in "constant communication" with Skuta since the arrest and are "gathering more information."
Skuta had 40 tackles last season for the Jaguars.
— The Associated Press
Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Daniel Skuta was arrested earlier this month and faces a misdemeanor battery charge, according to a police report obtained by CBS 47 in Jacksonville.
Skuta, 30, was allegedly involved in a physical altercation with a woman on the morning of June 19. The incident was reported by a friend of the victim around 2:30 a.m. Skuta allegedly pushed the woman's head into a glass window after she refused to give him her phone number. Deputies told CBS 47 that the victim refused treatment and they didn't see any injuries.
Skuta, who police said had bloodshot eyes and alcohol on his breath, was released from jail on a $500 bond later that morning.
On Monday, the Jaguars released a statement:
Skuta, who is entering his eighth year in the NFL, signed a five-year $20 million contract with Jacksonville in 2015.