Here's how NFL teams plan on remembering 9/11 this weekend

It seems hard to believe so much time has passed already, but this weekend will bring the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that claimed the lives of thousands through horrific acts of terror. With the 15-year anniversary falling on Sunday, it's not a surprise that NFL teams and players are finding various ways to remember all those lives lost back in 2001.
Teams across the league will be equipped with special pins and helmet decals to commemorate the anniversary. Barack Obama and George W. Bush will deliver recorded video messages, with the latter also being on hand for a ceremony prior to the Cowboys game against the Giants in Dallas.
Here are more details, courtesy of the Boston Globe's Ben Volin.
The Bills' Twitter account gave fans a look at what those anniversary pins and decals will look like, as well as the patriotic gloves that will be worn by players when the team takes on the Ravens.
New York Giants players will also be donning the patriotic gloves, but wide receivers Odell Beckham and Victor Cruz have some special footwear planned as well.
As does Atlanta Falcons wide receiver and New Jersey native, Mohamed Sanu.
It's probably safe to assume that there will be plenty of other organizational and personal tributes on Sunday. It's sure to be a pretty emotional day not only league-wide, but nationwide as well.
NFL announces its plans for how it will commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11 this Sunday
— Ben Volin (@BenVolin) September 9, 2016
In remembrance of 9/11, Bills players and coaches will wear special helmet decals, pins and gloves in Sunday's game.
— Buffalo Bills (@buffalobills) September 9, 2016
Gloves Under Armour gave to its endorsers on the NY Giants for 9/11 anniversary for Sunday's game (via @JosephSkiba)
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) September 7, 2016
Odell Beckham Jr. and Victor Cruz are planning to wear special 9/11 cleats for Sunday's season opener.
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) September 9, 2016
Sneak peak of wat Ima wear in Sunday for the 1s lost on that day. A tribute 2 them n da loved 1s 9/11 #NeverForget??
— Mohamed Sanu Sr. (@Mo_12_Sanu) September 8, 2016