National Basketball Association
National Basketball Association
Shaq poses as statue in Boston area
Oct. 21, 2010 1:00 a.m. ET
It started with a simple tweet.
Boston Celtics big man Shaquille O'Neal sent a tweet to followers Thursday afternoon that he was headed to Harvard Square to pose silently for photographs. He had promised the stunt two weeks ago on Boston sports radio station WBZ-FM without specifying a time.
For more than an hour, the 38-year-old NBA veteran posed as a statue while dozens of curious onlookers took pictures of him just off the campus of Harvard University.
Shaq said nothing, but witnesses say he did smile at some fans' comments.
Afterward, Shaq tweeted a ''thank you'' to those who showed up.
O'Neal and the Celtics open the season Tuesday in Boston against Miami.
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