Phil Jackson clarifies point about jump-shooting teams and how it's 'goink'
Phil Jackson might want to stop talking about jump-shooting teams. Things don't seem to go well for him when he does it.
Jackson fired off this tweet on May 10, an obvious criticism of the Warriors and Rockets, who were, at the time, losing their respective Western Conference semifinals series:
Of course, both of those teams went on to win those series, and the Warriors eventually won it all in convincing fashion. On the way there, Phil backtracked a little:
Now, he's explaining what he meant by jump-shooting criticism and far more importantly, he's clarifying that "goink" was no typo at all. From his interview with Scott Cacciola of the New York Times:
Q. In the middle of the playoffs, you took to Twitter to ask N.B.A. analysts to give you “some diagnostics” on how 3-point-oriented teams were faring. It struck most as a criticism of teams like the Warriors who take a lot of 3-point shots. You asked, “How’s it goink?” What was that about?
JACKSON: They have all these analysts. I just wanted to see someone come back to me with statistics: Is 3-point shooting in the playoffs as consistent as it is in the regular season? Does your 3-point-shooting percentage change because you’re in the playoffs? No one figured that one out. And that’s probably me being obtuse to leave it open at the end. But “goink” is one of those New York expressions that we use, and I will tell you this: I learned something. Someone sent me the fact that if you look it up on Urban Dictionary, you’ll find out what it means in today’s society.
Q. Should I look?
JACKSON: Well, it’s rather bizarre to say the least.
Q. So it wasn’t just a typo?
JACKSON: “Goink” is a castoff expression, right? Instead of, “How’s it going?,” it’s, “How’s it goink?” It turned out to be either a combination of a mixed ethnic group: part Korean, part Chinese. Or it’s a vernacular term for how do you deal with a sexual partner.
Q. That was not your intention though?
JACKSON: No, I had no idea.
Anyone else confused by what the heck is going on right now? Your brain is also spinning around inside your skull? OK, good. Mine too.
But wait, there's more. If you're going to talk about "goink" in relation to Urban Dictionary...well, just don't do that. And know that if you click this link, you will see no verbiage which is safe for work.
(H/t to the New York Times.)
Photo Credit: Brad Penner