National Basketball Association
National Basketball Association
Nets' Brook Lopez double-crosses twin brother Robin in mascot war
Mar. 19, 2015 11:06 a.m. ET
Brook and Robin Lopez's parents are going to have to separate their sons before this gets ugly.
This is dirty pool @cavsmoondog. I hope you all choke on that popcorn. #IThoughtWeWereFamYo #ForAllTheEdMikans
— Robin Lopez (@rolopez42) March 18, 2015
Portland Trail Blazer center Robin Lopez has been in the midst of an ongoing war against NBA mascots for a couple years now. It all started when his twin brother, Brook, jumped the Pistons' mascot before a game in 2013. Now though, it appears the Brooklyn Nets' Lopez and the mascots have made amends. Over popcorn, no less.
Which means there's only one Lopez brother waging this mascot battle. Robin can't be happy about this. Is fur thicker than blood?
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