Devin Harris on Dirk: 'He can play forever'

Coming into this season, there were concerns that all the miles and wear and tear would make Dirk Nowitzki an ineffective player. Father Time is undefeated, after all, and Nowitzki had already shown signs of slowing down last year.
Instead, the opposite has happened. Nowitzki is enjoying one of his best and most efficient seasons ever, despite being 37 years old and in the twilight of his career.
Teammates have always marveled at Nowitzki's ability for his size, but now they're amazed by how he just keeps getting it done.
Here's what Devin Harris told Paul Flannery at
"You’ve got to respect him so much that he creates so much space," Devin Harris said. "We do a great job of creating open shots for him and honestly, I think he can play forever."
"He’s more sure of himself," Harris said. "He’s more vocal than he has been. He’s just focused on taking it one game at a time and when it’s his time to walk away he’ll know it. Right now he’s just focused on winning games."