Washington State coach Mike Leach selected his team captain based on 'The Price Is Right'

Washington State coach Mike Leach selected his team captain based on 'The Price Is Right'

Published Nov. 15, 2016 3:20 p.m. ET

Being named a college football team captain is generally considered an honor and an accomplishment, but Washington State head coach Mike Leach has a very different perspective on the practice.

Leach explained how Jamal Morrow's appearance on The Price Is Right led to his selection as the Cougars' team captain.

"All the guy really does is the coin toss. And then I decided, you know, one of the most screwed up things about this country is the fact that in order to do anything, in order to cross the street we always have to have a committee, you know? And I said 'well screw the committee, we really only need one guy, and he's got to be smart enough to call either heads or tails.' That's it.


So then I thought about 'well should I get the biggest guy on the team or the littlest guy on the team?' And then I thought, well, Jamal Morrow was on The Price Is Right, and was fairly lucky and went to the final round and almost won the sucker. And so I figured 'well Jamal Morrow is a lucky guy,' plus he's got pretty good energy to him and stuff like that, so why not Jamal Morrow. Jamal Morrow goes out and did have an amazing knack for winning the toss. [He] wins it almost all the time. I'm serious about this."
