Richard Sherman
Richard Sherman shares the greatest trash talking story he's ever heard
Richard Sherman

Richard Sherman shares the greatest trash talking story he's ever heard

Published Apr. 22, 2016 4:36 p.m. ET

Earlier, we told you about Richard Sherman's absolutely hysterical comments about NFL Draft 'experts' which came in a fascinating and enjoyable interview with GQ. But as it turns out, that quote about might not have even been the most interesting thing Sherman said in the interview.

Instead, it came on the subject of trash talk. Sherman is never one to shy away from a good back-and-forth with another player -- U Mad Bro? -- yet he readily admits that the best trash talk he's ever seen wasn't his own, but instead, someone else's.

So what happened that was so juicy, Sherman can't stop talking about it all these years later?


Here are the details courtesy of GQ:

That really is a fascinating story, although it does raise a couple questions. Mainly, who is this ref, and why did he agree to be a pawn in this unnamed player's game of mental chess? As great as the smack talk was (and it was incredible) doesn't it kind of go against the whole "refs are supposed to be neutral" narrative we're led to believe?

Probably, but it doesn't take away from just how incredible the idea was ... which raises another question too.

If Richard Sherman wasn't behind this brilliant, diabolical idea, who was?


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