Three Ravens players allegedly got themselves booted from a bar

This offseason has been an eventful one for the Baltimore Ravens.
Ray Rice entered into a pretrial diversion program after being charged with felony assault and rookie running back Lorenzo Taliaferro was arrested just days ago and charged with being drunk in public.
Well, let's add to it.
Three Ravens players -- Jacoby Jones, Bernard Pierce and Jimmy Smith -- were reportedly kicked out of an Ocean City, Md. beachclub called Seacrets for being too drunk. TMZ has some shaky footage purported to be the trio being led off the premesis.
By the way, it should be noted that all three were "cooperative and compliant," according to TMZ. The police were never involved. What's more, all of them are welcome back to Seacrets in the future, they just partied too hard on this particular day.
A source told TMZ that the players were essentially told, "Let's call it a day and we'll see ya next time."
Hey, we've all been there, right?