Jimmy Fallon, Canadiens wager on Eastern Conference Finals over Twitter

The Montreal Canadiens challenged late night talk show host and New York Rangers fan Jimmy Fallon to a Twitter bet Friday, and after some negotiating, he accepted.
The Habs, who advanced to the Eastern Conference finals to play the Rangers after beating the Boston Bruins in seven games, proposed the following bet to Fallon.
Bet, @JimmyFallon? @NYRangers win series, your face = our Twitter avatar for a day. We win = you wear our jersey for a monologue. #GoHabsGo
— Canadiens Montréal (@CanadiensMTL) May 16, 2014
Fallon wasn’t quite sure that those were adequate stakes, so the Canadiens proposed some more ideas.
“@CanadiensMTL: Bet? @NYRangers win series, your face = our Twitter avatar for a day. We win = you wear our jersey for a monologue." Hmm
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) May 16, 2014
.@jimmyfallon ok, your face = our avatar, + 1st home game vs. NYR our mascot wears Rangers jersey and Statue of Liberty costume at game?
— Canadiens Montréal (@CanadiensMTL) May 16, 2014
After Fallon tweeted out that they “clearly aren’t taking this seriously” with their other proposals — which also included their mascot, Youppi!, personally delivering poutine to The Roots — he offered an idea of his own.
@CanadiensMTL you win - I wear Montreal jersey for a monologue. @NYRangers win - you change avatar to my pic (I choose) plus -
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) May 16, 2014
@CanadiensMTL you have to tweet out 10 (different) pics of your mascot walking around Montreal in public wearing a Rangers jersey. ?
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) May 16, 2014
That deal was good enough for the Habs.
“@CanadiensMTL: We have a deal! #enjoytheseries #whatsyourjerseysize" It's on. I want Youppi on the mechanical bull at Chez Serge.
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) May 17, 2014
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