DMV line: Crosby is too good for it

For most, it’s the same old song and dance going to the local DMV. Long lines and long waits for those who need to renew their driver’s license or take their permit test, and there’s not much that can be done about it.
That is, of course, unless you’re a celebrity, like Penguins star Sidney Crosby.
On Friday, Crosby walked into a Pittsburgh-area DMV to renew his driver’s license, but he wasn’t there for long, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The forward was brought to the front of the line as he quickly finished his business and left. According to Pennsylvania DMV policy, celebrities are allowed to go to the front of the line if supervisors determine it would be beneficial to “keeping control and keeping disruptions to a minimum,” a spokeswoman for the DMV said.
Logically, it makes sense. If someone like Crosby were to walk in and wait hours like everyone else, it would likely create a frenzy of folks coming in to bombard him, which would slow down the DMV process even more.
“I think, with his popularity, he’s going to get inundated and it’s going to be totally disruptive if he’s not taken,” said Paula Miles, who was there helping her son earn his driver’s permit. “I’d rather have that than have a mob scene.”
But, not surprisingly, there were some people upset that Crosby was given the star treatment.
“I disapprove,” said Susan Campbell, who waited for 1 1/2 hours at the DMV on Friday. “He should have to sit and wait with everyone else.”
“He’s another person like everyone else,” said 16-year-old Jacob Davis, who passed his driving test to earn his license.
Truth be told, though, Crosby isn’t just another person. If his world-class hockey skills weren’t enough proof of that, Friday’s DMV cameo made sure of it.