Young sportswriter behind Cam Newton column speaks out

It didn’t take long for the world to discover the identity of the elementary school-aged budding sportswriter behind a column featuring a delightful hot take on Cam Newton that quickly took the Internet by storm.
Black and Blue Review, a Carolina Panthers-centric site, has the scoop on one Robert Romer, a 10-year-old in fourth grade at Venable Elementary School. Not only is he an aspiring sports columnist, he also serves as editor of the The Venable Gazelle, the school’s student newspaper that is published quarterly.
Maxine Baskfield-Spears, a teacher at the school who also is an adult supervisor of the paper, said she couldn't believe it after coming across a story in the New York Daily News about Romer’s column. She quickly became aware that the youngster’s hot sports take on Newton was going viral.
“We’re all somewhat surprised that an article in a small student newspaper would garner this much attention,” Baskfield-Spears said.
As for Romer, he had no idea that his story was causing such a stir nationally until teachers informed him of it minutes before he spoke with Black and Blue Review’s Bill Voth.
When asked how he felt about his new-found celebrity as a pint-sized sportswriter with big-time views, Romer said he was overall pretty thrilled about it, and for a completely delightful reason.
“I am very surprised and very glad because it means the Panthers might get a new quarterback,” he said.
In the end, despite his reservations about the team's incumbent signal-caller, all Romer wants is his Panthers to win. But the problem with the team, as he sees it, begins with Newton.
But that does not mean he won't continue rooting for the team he has adopted as his squad (Romer never developed much of an affinity for the Washington NFL team despite living in Charlottesville).
“I think Cam throws too many interceptions,” he said. “But I’ll cheer for him because he’s on my favorite football team.”
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