US Anti-Doping Agency involved in Peyton Manning HGH probe

Is this reaching distraction-level?
With his Denver Broncos set to play in Super Bowl 50, quarterback Peyton Manning's alleged link to an Indianapolis clinic that deals in HGH has gone under review by the NFL. And now, it the US Anti-Doping Agency is assisting the league with its probe.
For his part, Peyton Manning said he had no problem with the review, saying on Thursday that the initial report from the now defunct Al-Jazeera America was "garbage from the first day it came out, and it's still garbage today."
The USADA, which also oversees testing for U.S. Olympic sports, among others, wouldn't comment on its findings, but did confirm that it is working with the NFL.
Al Jazeera came forward with a report in December that said an intern at an Indianapolis clinic suggested Manning's wife received shipments of HGH. Which, of course, is banned by the NFL.