Richard Sherman's smartest QBs list: Can you guess who got dissed?

Tom Brady got the ol' "honorable mention" from Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman.
Sherman listed his top five smartest quarterbacks in his weekly column on, and the New England Patriots quarterback didn't quite make the cut. Sherman's top five smartest were:
1. Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning
2. New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees
3. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers
4. Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson
5. Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck
It likely helped that Wilson is Sherman's current teammate and Luck was his quarterback at Stanford. Brady was listed as Sherman's "honorable mention." Sherman wrote that, if this were a top six, Brady would have made the cut. Brady was named in Sherman's quarterback superlatives as "hardest to intercept." Sherman and Brady have quite a history.
Sherman picked off a Brady pass in the Seahawks' 24-23 victory over the Patriots in Week 6 of the 2012 season. After that game, Sherman famously got in Bradyâ's face and sent a "U MAD BRO" tweet directed at the signal-caller. Watch him explain the confrontation below.