National Football League
National Football League
Here's proof the preseason doesn't matter
Sep. 4, 2009 5:11 p.m. ET
Hard to believe it's been almost 20 years since Lawrence Taylor gave his devastating tutorial on the irrelevance of the preseason.
On Sept. 9, 1990, despite holding out for all of camp, Taylor took the field for Week 1 against the Eagles and destroyed them. He had three sacks and a forced fumble.
So much for two-a-days.
But as LT's one-man demolition of the you-play-like-you-practice myth recedes into the rearview, we find ourselves — as ever — imbuing preseason events with importance they just don't have.
As the real games approach, in honor of Mike Vick's number, here are seven preseason events that made headlines that won't matter once the games do.
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