Football player-turned-serial-rapist cop gets 263 years in prison

The sentencing of Daniel Holtzclaw on Thursday was a sad ending to the story of a once-promising football player turned police officer, whose crimes against the community he was supposed to protect horrified an entire nation.
Holtzclaw, 29, was convicted of raping and sexually abusing eight black women while on duty in Oklahoma City, targeting victims in poor areas whom he could threaten and intimidate. He was sentenced to 263 years in prison.
Holtzclaw played linebacker and was a captain at Eastern Michigan from 2005 to 2008, and got a tryout with the Detroit Lions. Green Bay Packers guard T.J. Lang, who was a teammate of Holtzclaw at EMU, told TMZ "He was of my best friends. I'm totally shocked."

Daniel Holtzclaw of the Detroit Lions poses for his 2009 headshot.