Wild's Carter, Prosser fare well in home run derby

Minnesota Wild forward Ryan Carter and defenseman Nate Prosser put down their hockey sticks and decided to test their mettle with baseball bats instead.
The Wild duo acquitted itself well in a softball home run derby at Target Field on Saturday, with both hockey players going deep on three occasions.
Unfortunately for the Wild stars, they couldn't match power with someone who spends as much time around the diamond as the Minnesota Twins themselves.
TC Bear, the official mascot of the Twins, won the event with four home runs. Perhaps the mascot's performance shouldn't be a surprise since the 6-foot-4 slugger led the Carnivore League in homers, according to his biography on the Twins' official team page.
Ryan Carter & Nate Prosser competed in a softball HR Derby. @TC_00 won with 4. #SoClose! Carter & Prosser each had 3. pic.twitter.com/13fCFDQriG
— Minnesota Wild (@mnwild) August 16, 2015