Women's group to fly anti-Roger Goodell banners over NFL stadiums

If NFL commissioner Roger Goodell thought he could get away from his week of woe by going to a game on Sunday, he needs to reconsider.
The Ultra Violet women's rights group plans to fly anti-Goodell banners over multiple stadiums.
The planes will fly over Metlife Stadium before the Giants face the Cardinals. They will also be in Cleveland and San Francisco and prior to the Monday night contest in Indianapolis.
The banners will read: @UltraViolet: #GoodellMustGo. The planes are scheduled to fly for two hours above each stadium.
This marks a far cry from a post on the weareultraviolet.com site on August 28, when the NFL announced its stricter policy against domestic violence.
"This is a huge day for women and football: finally, the NFL is taking steps to change its policies and show that domestic violence is a crime that will be taken seriously in professional football--a message that will be heard across professional sports. Roger Goodell and the NFL have sent a powerful message today.
We are glad the NFL heard the concerns of football fans around the country -- under the new provisions, the first incident of domestic violence would get a six-game suspension, and the second instance would result in a lifetime ban. This is an incredible step forward, and one we hope will help end a culture that tolerates and helps perpetuate violence against women.
We are glad to see major sports leaders stand up and denounce domestic abuse. It's good to know that the NFL takes women, and our right to live a life free from violence, seriously."
However, much has changed as the video surfaced Monday on TMZ.com that showed Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice hitting and knocking out his wife in an elevator in Atlantic City in February.