The embarrassment never ceases to end with Jets

Not only are the New York Jets continuing to get embarrassed on a weekly basis, now their own players are taking jabs against each other. This all directly reflects on a terrible culture and above all else, a lack of leadership.
What has happened with head coach Todd Bowles and his New York Jets? It’s one thing to continue to lose football games but as of late, they can’t even get along with each other. Regardless what you see on the football field, the truth of the matter is that Bowles has completely lost his locker room and might even be out of the job come the offseason.
It’s no secret that Bowles does indeed bring a lot to the table, but this has gotten completely out of hand. After the New England Patriots properly disposed of the Jets in Week 16, defensive end Sheldon Richardson heard that wide receiver, Brandon Marshall, said that he was embarrassed for the loss. As to which Richardson said that he should feel that way.
Again, little petty comments like that are not only a reflection of Richardson but how he feels about his teammates and franchise. It’s a sad state considering that it was just about a week ago that Richardson released that viral Snapchat video and yet once again, finds a way to get his name in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.
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Just when one thinks it can’t get worse for the Jets, they once again bring their loyal fans back down deeper into this embarrassment. They can’t play competitive football and look like they don’t even want to be on the field playing.
At the end of it all, Bowles has some serious questions to answer because quite honestly, he has failed as a head coach this season. The standings are one thing but all these off-the-field distractions are adding more to the notion that maybe the Jets should head in a different direction yet again at head coach.
It might be too soon but when you think about this season as a whole, it’s hard to remember one worse than 2016. The Jets have let their fans down and at season’s end need to offer some kind of news as to what they plan to do for the future. With just one more game left to this abysmal season, it’s hard to imagine anyone being safe in the grand scheme of things.
Overall, the Jets and have embarrassed themselves beyond words and with fans outraged at the dumb decisions made this year, it’s time they own up and explain themselves. It’s important that they have some kind of press conference to apologize for this massive letdown and have some kind of action plan as to how they plan to improve. Being open, honest, and communicating what the future holds will at the very least provide some kind of relief for fans that deserve better.