Texans CB under fire for cockfight photos

Kareem Jackson, the Houston Texans first-round draft pick last season, has come under fire from fans for using his Twitter account to post pictures of a trip to a cockfight on his Dominican Republic vacation, myFOXhouston.com reported Tuesday.
Cockfighting is illegal in Texas, but Jackson did not break any laws by attending one in the Dominican Republic.
Jackson's agent Tony Fleming, however, admitted the 22-year-old made a poor judgment call.
"Kareem was on vacation with some of his friends," Fleming told FOX 26 Sports. "He had never been to the Dominican Republic before.
"He was given a tour of different cultural things they do in that area. One of the stops was the cockfighting event, which is very big over there.
"Kareem understands he may have used bad judgment to tweet about it. He discussed it with the Texans internally and he hopes to move on from it and learn from it."
Jackson did not return messages left on his cell phone.