Super Bowl commercials: First quarter editors John Galinsky, Kathy Lyford, Jim McCurdie and Scott Wilson review the Super Bowl ads in real-time (or something approximating real-time). Enjoy!
Commercials: First quarter | Second | Third | Fourth | 10 best | 10 worst
First quarter
Paramount -- The Last Airbender
We get our first look at M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender,” from Paramount Pictures. The movie was originally called “Avatar: The Last Airbender” -- until someone named Jim Cameron won the battle to use that title. The trailer looked cool, but not cool enough to forgive “Lady in the Water,” “The Village” or “The Happening.” -- KL
To watch this ad, click here.
McDonald's -- LeBron and Dwight Howard in a dunk-off
In a modernized version of the old McDonald’s ad campaign featuring Michael Jordan and Larry Bird playing H-O-R-S-E, LeBron James and Dwight Howard challenge each other to a succession of difficult dunks -- like LeBron’s standing 540-degree throwdown. Unlike Michael and Larry, who made preposterously impossible shots, the NBA’s two most freakish athletes seem capable of executing at least some of the slams in this spot. Somehow one suspects their bodies weren’t built on a diet of Big Macs and fries, but whatever. Supersize me! -- JG
To watch this ad, click here.
Bud Light -- House made of beer cans
Amusing: A house made of beer cans, looking like a "green" idea. A little more amusing: They're full. OK, nothing too special in this one. The ending, breaking through the wall to find the wife in the shower, was kinda funny. But it seems like they could have done more with a house made of beer. -- SW
To watch this ad, click here.
Focus on the Family -- Tebows
There was a lot of controversy over whether this pro-life ad from Christian group Focus on the Family should have run. Well, if the decision was based solely on quality of the ad, then it shouldn’t have run. Mrs. Tebow mumbled and the ad was just lame. -- KL
To watch this ad, click here.
Hyundai -- Classical music
Wow. Hyundai is getting its money's worth this year. Seems like we're seeing one of their commercials every break. If only their cars could compare to the sonata composers they invoke in the commercial for their model with the same name. I liked the image of dipping the car in paint. Kinda looked like they were dipping something in chocolate. -- SW
To watch this ad, click here.
Doritos -- Dog puts collar on man
Dog bites man. Or at least blasts him with a shock collar so he can steal his Doritos. Pretty funny but I’m still waiting for a real belly laugh this game. -- KL
To watch this ad, click here.
Universal Studios -- Robin Hood
Universal Studios shills early summer blockbuster “Robin Hood,” from director Ridley Scott. We already know the story and this ad gives you everything else you need to decide if you want to see the film or not. Lots of violence. Check. Russell Crowe. Check. Cate Blanchett. Check. I’m in. -- KL
To watch this ad, click here.
Bud Light -- Asteroid
OK, this one was better. What would you do if you knew the Earth was about to be destroyed by an asteroid? That’s right, drink, party and hook up with your co-workers. OK, looking around the newsroom, maybe we wouldn’t want to do that here at -- SW
To watch this ad, click here.
Snickers -- Betty White
Any commercial with Betty White and Abe Vigoda is a winner in our book no matter what it’s about. In this case, the spunky Golden Girl is playing pickup football with the guys, though she’s struggling. “Man, you’ve been riding me all day,” she says before eating a Snickers bar that not only transforms her into a regular guy but also raises Vigoda from the dead. What, “Fish” is still alive? Twenty-eight years after People Magazine erroneously reported his demise, the answer is yes! -- JG
To watch this ad, click here.
Doritos -- Tough kid
A man arrives with flowers to pick up his single-Mom date, and encounters a little resistance from her tough-guy, six- or seven-year old son. The kid catches the guy glancing at Mom’s, uh, assets, and is having none of Mr. Charming’s small talk. “Keep your hands off my Mama,” he warns, “and keep your hands off my Doritos.” Gotta applaud the little dude for looking out for his Mom, but I’m not sure this will have me scrambling to the chips aisle for a bag of nachos on my next trip to the grocery store. This left me hungry for more. -- JM
To watch this ad, click here.
Doritos -- It's a miracle
A guy pretends to be dead so he can eat Doritos while enclosed in a coffin. Huh? Not funny and really disgusting. -- KL
To watch this ad, click here.
Universal Pictures -- Wolfman
Nothing here that we haven’t seen already running for the past few weeks. Eh. Wolfmen aren’t nearly as dreamy as vampires. -- KL
Coca Cola -- The Simpsons
The Simpsons and Coke. Perfect together. Who wouldn’t like to see Monty Burns lose all his money? But the goodness of Coke makes for feel-good ending for all. Big props for a Spider-pig cameo on the swings. -- SW
To watch this ad, click here. -- Beaver
Ha. This one’s good. Even a beaver with mad fiddle skillz can improve his lot in life with You would think a beaver would be better as a percussionist than a violin player, but I like this one. Something about animals playing instruments always gets me. -- SW
To watch this ad, click here.
Boost Mobile -- Super Bowl shuffle
Twenty-five years after the Chicago Bears recorded the “Super Bowl Shuffle” before their 1985 championship, many of them return to the stage with updated lyrics. “My name’s McMahon and I’ll tell you what’s wrong -- my tight end wearing a cheetah-print thong,” raps the old QB, looking much more grizzled and heavier than he did in ’85, but don’t we all. Boost Mobile’s ad offers nostalgia for a simpler, sillier time in sports. Can anyone imagine Peyton Manning and the Colts, for example, doing something similar? -- JG
To watch this ad, click here.
Commercials: First quarter | Second | Third | Fourth | 10 best | 10 worst