Steelers LB Ryan Shazier warms up shirtless in 16-degree weather

The Miami Dolphins haven’t played a single game in below-freezing conditions this season, but they’ll do exactly that on Sunday against the Steelers. Temperatures are going to sit in the teens all game long, and with the wind chill, it’s going to feel like 1 or 2 degrees.
Someone might want to remind Ryan Shazier of that fact, considering he warmed up for the game without a shirt on.
It’s currently 16 degrees in Pittsburgh, but it feels like 1 degree with 15 mph winds. It’s probably not the smartest move, but it does show how tough he is, for whatever that’s worth. Here’s to hoping he doesn’t come down with pneumonia, should the Steelers beat the Dolphins on Sunday.
Perhaps he should have bundled up like this:
It's going to be a cold one in Pittsburgh, but Shazier doesn't seem to care.