Shawne Merriman's advice to Pro Bowl rookies: Keep your room number to yourself

In his eight-year NFL career, linebacker Shawne Merriman went to three Pro Bowls, including at the end of his rookie season in 2005. Via a piece at The Players' Tribune, Merriman imparted advice to youngsters headed to Hawaii for their first Pro Bowl. The most important piece of counsel may have been this:
Don't say your hotel room number out loud.
That's not to protect a player from being harassed by fans or to guard against a potential room burglar. No, it's protection against your experienced Pro Bowl colleagues.
Merriman recalled being out to lunch with some of the other players when a waitress asked for his room number. As he was about to say it, Merriman felt a swift kick under the table, accompanied by disapproving looks from the Pro Bowl vets. He didn't get it, so they schooled him.
Hopefully, this year's Pro Bowl rookies got the word. If so, they should say mahalo to Merriman.