Robert Griffin is cut; RG3, not so much

How important are Roman numerals, even in 2013? You can bet Washington Redskins fans are thankful for them.
The first preseason game has yet to kick off, and we've already been bombarded with stunning headlines, from the Aaron Hernandez saga to a growing list of devestating injuries to Riley Cooper's controversial remarks. And Thursday offered up another shocker:
Robert Griffin: Cut.
Whoa! We knew the guy is coming off a torn ACL, but that seems a bit drastic for a supposed franchise QB. It just doesn't make sense. Something seems off. Oh yeah, those Roman numerals — there's no III after that name.
The Indianapolis Colts did cut a Robert Griffin who attended Baylor — but this Robert Griffin didn't win a Heisman. He's Robert T. Griffin, an offensive lineman who barely got drafted, going to the Jets in the sixth round in 2012.
So to be clear. This is the guy cut by the Colts:
This is the guy NOT cut by the Redskins.
He hangs out with Morgan Freeman; he's not going anywhere.