Report: Cheerleader's life to be movie

She is 42 years of age and is still shaking her pom-poms, and now the life of NFL's oldest cheerleader is being turned into a movie, the Hollywood Reporter revealed late Thursday.
American film studio New Line Cinema has picked up the story of Laura Vikmanis, a cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals.
The movie will be produced by Richard and Lauren Shuler Donner and Donners' Co. president Jack Leslie and written by scribes Emily Cook and Kathy Greenberg, whose credits include "Gnomeo & Juliet" and "Ratatouille."
Vikmanis, a mother of two teenage daughters, tried out for the cheerleading squad of the Bengals at the age of 39 after her husband left her for a younger woman.
She failed to make the cut at her first try-out but made the squad after a year of improving her fitness and working on routines.
Vikmanis became an inspiration to her daughters and as a mother figure to the cheerleaders, many of them 20 years her junior.
The movie deal came about after Leslie introduced Vikmanis to Joseph Veltre, head of Gersh's book department which will be releasing a book on her life.