Players prep for next career with NFL internships

Titans safety Donnie Nickey no longer thinks of the staff at the NFL headquarters as commissioner Roger Goodell's ``goons.''
Nickey is among a handful of players getting an eye-opening experience through the league's in-house internship program, which allows them to work in various departments with the people out of the public eye.
New York Jets linebacker Calvin Pace is amazed by the many details handled by the league's game operations department. Atlanta Falcons receiver Harry Douglas quizzed every person he could on how they reached their positions.
The players experience everything from public relations down to the smallest details of how the league runs games.
``The only thing we get from the NFL is the rules and the fines ... so as a player you get this opinion and this perception of the league as an ivory tower, a big castle in New York,'' Nickey said.
Preparing for his eighth season, Nickey, who graduated from Ohio State in 2003 with a degree in risk management and investment strategy, found NFL headquarters to be straight business during the week he spent on Park Avenue earlier this offseason.
``They don't know anything about Cover 2 defense, but they can break down the revenue for their licensed products. They're really efficient. It's a lot of really good people that work so that it changed my opinion from like commissioner Goodell and his 'goons,''' Nickey said.
Yes, Nickey even spent some quality time with the commissioner.
``He just really loves it,'' Nickey said. ``It's all about the game, and they don't lose sight that we're the product that they package.''
Pace has been most impressed by how NFL employees are responsible for everything from painting the fields to game balls and team travel and how closely officials are studied and graded. That scrutiny on the officials and knowing the high standard to which they are held comforted Pace.
``We play. You win, you lose. But the people behind the scenes really keeping it the best sport in the world? It's crazy,'' Pace said.
The NFL's internship program is part of the league's player development programs, which have sent players to study business at Stanford, Harvard and Wharton, among others. There is also a broadcast boot camp at NFL Films to prep players for media jobs.
A new four-day program starts at Georgia Tech in two weeks, designed to help players learn how to handle the transition from the NFL and to figure out what comes next. Christopher Henry, the NFL's director of player development, said it's really challenging psychologically for players switching to that next career.
``When you think about the level of dedication, of focus that has been required to play this game at the highest levels and then all of a sudden to have that disappear one day, there's an incredible piece about loss and grief. And we want to ensure that we fill that void and we provide them with an opportunity to continue to be successful,'' Henry said.
Former player Troy Vincent is the new vice president of player development, and another former player, Lance Legree, manages the department.
The players put in eight-hour days and pay for their own airfare, hotels and nearly every meal. Henry said the busy offseason has proven to be a challenge for players, and Nickey said he missed a whole week of the Titans' offseason program to take part.
But the players agree the experience was well worth the expense.
Former players Omare Lowe and Michael Boulware also have interned this offseason. Oakland defensive end Chris Cooper is due in June 21-25. Douglas, whose 2009 season ended with a knee injury last August, graduated from Louisville with a degree in political science in 2007 and wants to be a lawyer. He found many lawyers in the NFL offices during his week there.
He's also recommending the program to teammates.
``Life after football is very big. At some point, football does end. You don't do it for your whole life,'' Douglas said Thursday. ``I know the average years in the NFL isn't long or in any professional sport. It's good to do a lot of things outside of football.''
Pace has a luxury available only to the Jets or Giants, thanks to their close proximity to the league offices. He spends as many off days there as possible during the Jets' organized team activities or minicamps. Going into his eighth NFL season, the former sociology student at Wake Forest isn't sure yet what he will to do once his playing days end.
``I do know football's my passion. It's what I love to do,'' Pace said. ``I don't know if I necessarily want to be a coach or someone in the front office. I feel like coming here and seeing what they do might give me a chance to still be close to the game when my playing days are over.''