High schoolers suspended for Tebowing

Two New York high school athletes have been handed one-day suspensions after taking part in a group "Tebowing" session in a corridor at their school, the Riverhead Local reported Thursday.
Mimicking the Denver Bronco's quarterback Tim Tebow's traditional end-of-game kneel-down, up to 40 students from Long Island's Riverhead High blocked a corridor on Wednesday when they were photographed making the trademark pose between classes.
Riverhead school superintendent Nancy Carney said two of the students were given one-day in-school suspensions for insubordination, after previously being "spoken to" when they took part in a similar "Tebowing" incidents earlier in the week.
"From what I understand, there were about 40 kids participating and the hall was being blocked," Carney said of Wednesday's incident. "Kids couldn't pass and were going to be late to class."
An earlier story on Yahoo! Sports' Rivals High website reported that four students had been suspended for "Tebowing" at the school.
"The administration told us that our Tebowing was blocking the halls and could potentially cause a riot, because they were growing in number and if the wrong kid gets pushed a brawl could ensue," senior Connor Carroll told the website, adding that he and his friends had only wanted to pose "out of respect for Tebow, and because Tebowing is the new thing to do."
"Tebowing" officially entered the lexicon of Americans after the immensely popular Tebow led a comeback victory over the Miami Dolphins in his first start of the season on Oct. 23.
The deeply religious Tebow's kneel-down at the end of the game was quickly copied across the world and spawned Tebowing.com, a website to which people can submit pictures of themselves striking the pose.