Groupie guru offers tips for Super Bowl

A groupie guru is coaching ring-chasing chicks on the art of playing the field at the Conrad Hotel and Resort in Indianapolis, where current and former football players will be staying for the big game.
"Timing is everything," according to Stephanie Ogbobu, 27.
The Austin, Texas, beauty — who blogs on the groupie-gathering site — recommends prancing around the hotel at 10:30pm local time, just as VIPs are getting back from the day's events, or at 3:00am local time.
"[That] guarantees you are just in time to catch your baller pulling up from the afterparty," she writes.
At this point, it is impossible to book one of the 243 rooms at the five-star hotel, where the king presidential suite starts at $2,500 a night.
The Downtown Marriott, where the Giants are staying and where the presidential suite costs $1,000 a night, is also booked solid.
But the groupies have a game plan.
They can access such hotels a number of ways — by going to the lobby restaurants or bars or by donning swimsuits and sneaking into a pool area to set the "pool trap."
Her playbook next instructs women to wear skimpy, expensive-looking bikinis, high heels, wet hair and made-up game faces as they stroll around.
"You don't want to go with the sports colors, because that makes it way too obvious," she warns.
A classic black swimsuit and a towel seductively slung around the waist are enough to lend a groupie the appearance of belonging as she patrols the halls every half-hour, according to Ogbobu.
Clubbing is another way to huddle up with a Giant, she added.
She recommends trolling the internet to find the big game-week parties. There is the $500-a-ticket Leather & Laces bash Friday and the $1,100-a-head ESPN VIP soiree the following night in the Lucas Oil Stadium parking lot.