Give us the 'Year of the Comeback'

When we’re looking for best sports storyline from 2011 that we want to continue into 2012, there’s really no other choice:
Tebow, Tebow, Tebow.
No, no, I’m not talking about Tim Tebow the media phenomenon. Nor am I talking about Tim Tebow the religious symbol. I’m not even really talking about Tim Tebow the running back who sometimes doubles as a quarterback, the inspiring field general with the goofy throwing motion.
I’m talking about Tim Tebow, Comeback King. I’m talking about the man who, once the clock strikes the fourth quarter and Tebow Time begins, undergoes a costume change and comes out a superhero, capable of performing the impossible.
For 2012, I predict the entire sports world will be infected with Tebow Fever, not just the sports media who feed into and fuel the hype. (Preemptive admission: Yes, that’s a stone thrown from a glass house.) I predict the Tebow Epidemic will make 2012 the Year of the Comeback in sports. I’m predicting 2012 will be the year of the unpredictable.
Are these improbable? Oh, yeah. Every single one of them. But impossible? Nope. Not one. (I mean, I’m not predicting the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series this year, folks. Wait till 2013.) In the name of Tebow, the Year of the Comeback will see the seemingly impossible become possible. Because, after all, that’s the best part about sports: That at the beginning of every game and every season, we never know what will come.
So here’s to 2012, when we’ll all root for these seemingly impossible comebacks to come true:
Hey, why not? It’s a new year in sports. And in this Year of the Comeback, anything can happen.
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